LitListed is created with a mission to deliver great lists covering as many domains as possible! Our lists are easily readable, consisting of only the most important details about anything, cutting out the crap! And by domains we mean everything, be it product reviews, places to travel, tech and gadgets, health related or even the latest buzz from the celebrities. We are dedicated towards providing most accurate data about any topic and whatever we write out there, our viewers can be assured that all of it is well researched and true to our best knowledge. To know more about us, feel free to contact us.
Litlisted – It stands apart. Really!
You must have come across more than a dozen website providing you lists. How are we different? Other sites remain fixed to a number – “top 10”, “top 25” and so on. We, at litlisted, feel that fixing a digit for our lists will be injustice to our authors – who might have a differing number of points to craft their articles in the way they want; and also it will be a grave injustice to our readers, who might miss out on more great content due to a numeric limitation! So we offer lists that are flexible numerically! Cheers.
Is that all?
No. Some readers might love our lists, but some may have a knack of reading great content which is not in the form of a list. Also, we feel that some topics that we cover have a broad perspective, and an even broader impact on our readers, which we cannot deliver by making a list of those topics. So we have a separate category to showcase such articles, The Unlisted Perspectives, which is very much a part of litlisted – without a list!
Founder – Shantanu
Editor – Komal
Editor – Sumit
Author – Aastha
Author – Akanksha